Industries: Litigation
Transformative Healthcare Solutions: Navigating Settlements and Payer Strategies with Data-Driven Precision
Unlocking the Potential of Data in Healthcare and Legal Verticals
  • Integration of machine-readable data with self-funded plans, medical providers, and claims for a holistic view of a claimant's healthcare journey.
  • Rapid retrieval of complete health histories within two weeks, ensuring timely access to critical information.
  • Support for traditional marketing initiatives, leveraging our data insights for targeted outreach.
  • Expertise in aggregating and managing large-scale legal projects, enhancing efficiency and outcomes.
  • Development and management of online settlement intake forms, streamlining the claimant engagement process.
  • Consulting services in utilizing data analytics to bolster litigation strategies and decision-making.
Driving Decision-Making, Streamlining Operations - The Intersection of Data and Progress
Leveraging settlement inclusion and exclusion criteria, Hagimo excels in forming patient cohorts eligible for settlement actions, followed by a multifaceted approach to disseminate relevant materials. Our strategy encompasses traditional advertising and direct collaboration with payers, utilizing our established network with medical providers, specialty groups, and practice associations. A critical aspect of our service is the rigorous consultation with local legal bars to ensure our methods adhere to the intricate web of local, state, and federal regulations, guaranteeing full compliance in every jurisdiction.

Moreover, we specialize in analyzing payer machine-readable data to construct comprehensive models of self-funded health plans. This analysis extends to evaluating their financial efficiency and fiduciary compliance, providing invaluable insights for plan optimization. Our data-driven capabilities also include trending and assessing the strategies of enterprise payers. By examining how these payers negotiate arrangements with medical providers nationwide, we offer a panoramic view of the healthcare financial landscape, enabling our clients to make more informed and strategic decisions.

In summary, Hagimo is not just about identifying eligible patients for settlements; we provide a holistic suite of services that includes legal compliance, payer and provider collaboration, and advanced data analytics, all aimed at transforming the healthcare settlement and payer landscape.