Data-Driven and AI-Assisted Litigation is Here.
Specific Offerings
  • Bulk Data and AI: Application
  • Medical Data Consulting
  • Mass Tort / MDL: Data Application
  • Medical Coding
  • Transactions: Fraud, Waste, Abuse, Errors
  • Payer Performance
  • Facility and Provider Performance
Hagimo's Professional Services Group harnesses the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) and Big Data to revolutionize legal practice for law firms. By accessing extensive, de-identified medical histories that are in full compliance with HIPAA regulations, we empower law firms to efficiently identify individuals eligible for settlements, perform rigorous post-marketing surveillance, and ensure fiduciary compliance. Our AI-driven analytics delve deep into the data to detect and understand patterns that inform strategy in complex litigation scenarios, fraud detection, and compliance matters.

In addition to our data analytics services, we provide law firms with advanced AI-driven tools designed to optimize legal workflows. Our AI-driven Interrogatory Assessment Process streamlines the discovery phase, offering law firms a strategic edge in crafting precise questions to dismantle opposing arguments. Our Automated Patient Medical Record Acquisition Service ensures swift and accurate collection of medical records, further enhancing the depth and speed of case preparation.

Furthermore, our access to machine-readable files on all payers equips law firms with the necessary insights to navigate the intricacies of healthcare billing and insurance payouts, a crucial aspect of medical litigation and settlement management.

Recognizing the critical nature of cybersecurity for our clients, we extend our expertise to law firm security. Our SOC2 auditing and compliance assessment services help law firms meet the highest standards of data security and privacy. Our penetration testing offerings are designed to proactively identify vulnerabilities, ensuring that our clients' sensitive information remains protected against emerging cyber threats.

By integrating these services into a singular, cohesive offering, we not only augment the legal capabilities of our clients but also secure their operations, setting a new benchmark for legal consulting in an increasingly data-driven world.

There are a lot of companies that are jumping on the AI bandwagon. Hagimo is putting AI to work in the legal space, and beyond.

For instance, we let our AI write this web page.